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Trekking in Inglese
Trekking Alpi ti dà l’opportunità di unirti a gruppi di escursionisti provenienti da tutto il mondo per vivere un’esperienza intensa a contatto con la natura italiana con un pizzico di esotico.
Appassionati di montagna e di natura da 62 nazioni diverse hanno partecipato alle escursioni di Trekking Alps, per scoprire la bellezza delle montagne più alte d’Europa insieme ad una guida locale qualificata.
La lingua parlata durante i trekking è sempre l’inglese, molti dei partecipanti sono madrelingua, USA, Canada, UK, e oltre ancora Australia o Singapore, ma perché non conoscere qualcuno che venga dalle Hawaii o dall’India? Il modo più semplice per imparare l’inglese è parlarlo!
la difficoltà del trekking è molto variabile, dalle tranquille camminate nei boschi alle vette raggiungibili su sentieri escursionistici, da cui godere di viste spettacolari sul territorio circostante.
La durata dei trekking spazia dalla giornata sulla neve fino ad una settimana di immersione nel verde delle montagne estive, sempre accompagnati da una guida italiana e in territorio italiano, nelle Alpi occidentali.
Dipende. Cerca la data qui sotto e vi diremo di più
Calendario dei Trekking in Inglese
Cliccando sui trekking seguenti verrai rediretto verso il nostro sito gemello che si rivolge appunto ad un pubblico internazionale.. fantastiche persone da tanti paesi diversi con cui potrai condividere un’esperienza indimenticabile.. parlando inglese!
Aprile 2025
A Night in the Alps near Turin
Living a night in the Alps near Turin it’s an amazing experience and if you are traveling in the north of Italy you should really try this experience even if you are not an expert of hiking and adventure. To reach the Jervis shelter it is not particularly challenging and fit for anyone. The trek…...
Maggio 2025
Inn to Inn Turin Alps Discover
This Inn to Inn Turin Discover will allow you to explore the Alps near Turin with all the comforts. Also, you will live the culture of the mountains which is at its best in these areas where tourism really did not change anything yet. There are some bed and breakfast and Agriturismo where you'll sleep…...
Marguareis Natural Park Hiking Tour
The Marguareis Natural park is unique in this part of the Alps. Unlike in any other valley of the North West of the Alps, the rocks here are mainly limestone based. That makes the Marguareis a paradise for speleologist. But also for hikers this is a great area! The vegetation is very different, due to…...
Inn to Inn Gran Paradiso Discover
Inn to Inn in Gran Paradiso is a wonderful choice. Gran Paradiso National Park includes four big valleys and it has a gorgeous mountain environment! On this website, we also include in this area the Mont Avic Natural Park and a few other small valleys. It is a universe by itself and you could spend…...
Maritime Alps Hiking Tour
The Natural Park of Maritime Alps is a real pearl almost unknown. It is a magnificent mountain area in the south pf Piedmont at the Border with France where is located the Mercantour National Park. Maritime Alps hiking is amazing and the mountains here and even though they are not very high compared with the…...
Giugno 2025
Dolomites Alta Via 1
Extraordinary trek of almost 80 kilometers in the heart of the Dolomites. In the first half the Dolomites Alta Via 1 crosses numerous Dolomite peaks of great beauty and fame (including Tofane, Cinque Torri, Nuvolau, Pelmo and Civetta). the second part of the hike instead is definitively more wild and less known. This second part…...
Inn to Inn Hiking Lake Maggiore
Inn to Inn Lake Maggiore Hiking is one of the highlights of Italy. It is a pretty choice if you want to mix your hiking and touristic activity. Lake Maggiore offers many attractions together with the hiking. We'll be able to visit the Islands of the Lakes and hiking in the marvelous Val Grande National…...
Luglio 2025
Hut to Hut Gran Paradiso
This hut to hut Gran Paradiso Hike provides a taste of the region's natural beauty, from alpine meadows and dense forests to stunning lakes and high mountain passes. It's a journey that showcases the park's biodiversity and offers hikers a memorable adventure in the heart of the Italian Alps. The Hike is neither too strenous…...
Big Hiking Tour of Gran Paradiso
The Big Hiking Tour of Gran Paradiso is the best way to explore the Aosta Valley side of Gran Paradiso. It is a 6 days Trekking Ring covering all the Valleys of the Park of the Aosta Valley Park except the Cogne Valley. For the Cogne Valley trek, the ideal is the Gran Paradiso National…...
Matterhorn and Monte Rosa Hike
Matterhorn and Monte Rosa are among the most famous and incredible mountains in the entire Alps range. This trekking is going to explore this particular part of the Alps where the Matterhorn and Monte Rosa are dominating the mountain landscape. It is the border with Switzerland and Italy and we are going to see huge…...
Dolomites Alta Via 1
Extraordinary trek of almost 80 kilometers in the heart of the Dolomites. In the first half the Dolomites Alta Via 1 crosses numerous Dolomite peaks of great beauty and fame (including Tofane, Cinque Torri, Nuvolau, Pelmo and Civetta). the second part of the hike instead is definitively more wild and less known. This second part…...
Hut to Hut Gran Paradiso
This hut to hut Gran Paradiso Hike provides a taste of the region's natural beauty, from alpine meadows and dense forests to stunning lakes and high mountain passes. It's a journey that showcases the park's biodiversity and offers hikers a memorable adventure in the heart of the Italian Alps. The Hike is neither too strenous…...
Dolomites Alta Via 1
Extraordinary trek of almost 80 kilometers in the heart of the Dolomites. In the first half the Dolomites Alta Via 1 crosses numerous Dolomite peaks of great beauty and fame (including Tofane, Cinque Torri, Nuvolau, Pelmo and Civetta). the second part of the hike instead is definitively more wild and less known. This second part…...
Agosto 2025
Matterhorn and Monte Rosa Hike
Matterhorn and Monte Rosa are among the most famous and incredible mountains in the entire Alps range. This trekking is going to explore this particular part of the Alps where the Matterhorn and Monte Rosa are dominating the mountain landscape. It is the border with Switzerland and Italy and we are going to see huge…...
Tour of Gran Paradiso
The Tour of Gran Paradiso is fit for those who want to sleep in shelters(rifugio). If you want to experience the wonderful Gran Paradiso National Park in lodges and you do not have more than 3 days this is your best option. You will discover one of the most beautiful parts of the Park and…...
Cogne Hiking Tour
Many asked me to organize a Cogne Hiking Tour and finally I designed it! Cogne is a paradise on Earth. A beautiful village in the middle of the Alps, the headquarter of the most ancient and beautiful national Park in Italy and in Europe: the Gran Paradiso National Park. The village of Cogne is really…...
Wild Dolomites Hike
If you want to find a wild Dolomites hike, this is the one for you. This is an exciting and varied trekking to get to know one of the most fascinating Dolomite groups and savages, who promises to conquer us. Let's talk about the Marmarole, whose beauty inspired also the famous Renaissance painter Tiziano Vecellio,…...
Gran Paradiso National Park Hiking
The Gran Paradiso National Park Hiking is set in Cogne valley which is widely considered the most beautiful valley of the most beautiful National Park of Italy: Gran Paradiso. Hiking in Gran Paradiso is a dream for outdoor enthusiasts all around the world and one of the must-do trekking in Italy. This amazing Hike is…...
Dolomites Alta Via 1
Extraordinary trek of almost 80 kilometers in the heart of the Dolomites. In the first half the Dolomites Alta Via 1 crosses numerous Dolomite peaks of great beauty and fame (including Tofane, Cinque Torri, Nuvolau, Pelmo and Civetta). the second part of the hike instead is definitively more wild and less known. This second part…...
Settembre 2025
Inn to Inn Matterhorn Hiking Ring
This Inn to Inn Matterhorn Hiking Ring is a great itinerant Hiking ring. We could also call it Tour of Matterhorn and you'll have the opportunity to enjoy one of the most beautiful mountains of the World, in a challenging hike but sleeping with all comforts. The Tour of Matterhorn organized by Trekking Alps is,…...
Domande Frequenti per Trekking in Inglese
Non è richiesto nessun livello di partenza, la guida è italiana e il trekking si svolgerà in Italia, dipenderà da voi e dalla vostra voglia di comunicare con gli altri partecipanti. Il trekking è un’attività in inglese dal livello molto flessibile, potreste ampliare il vostro vocabolario e chiacchierare per ore in inglese, oppure sentirvi soddisfatti per essere riusciti a esprimere semplici frasi a tavola con persone provenienti da tutto il mondo. Sarà come viaggiare a casa vostra!
Normalmente i clienti stranieri sono abbastanza in forma. Pertanto è importante che tutte le persone coinvolte abbiano più o meno le stesse capacità. Una volta entrati in contatto sapremo consigliarvi il gruppo giusto a cui unirvi.
Si. Non ci sono problemi. In linea di massima questa è la lista di cosa serve per un trekking:
- Scarponcini da Trekking
- Sacco a pelo
- 1 maglietta al giorno
- 1 maglione contro il freddo
- 1 giacca anti vento/pioggia
- 2 calzettoni pesanti, 2 calze leggere
- 1 Pantalone comodo
- 1 borraccia da un litro
- Occhiali da sole
- Cappello e guanti
- Spirito di Avventura!
Scrivici però. Ogni trekking ha le sue caratteristiche e possiamo darvi dei consigli più precisi.
Roberto ed Elisabetta hanno ideato questo sito e nel 90% dei casi sarà uno di loro la guida. Trekking Alps ha però un più nutrito gruppo di guide. Pertanto può capitarvi uno di… noi. Tutte le guide sono certificate Guide Escursionistiche Ambientali iscritte all’AIGAE o,ove richiesto, guide alpine.